Our refund and returns policy lasts 72 hours. If 72 hours have passed since your purchase, we are not liable to offer you a full refund or exchange.
To be eligible for a return, refund or exchange, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging.
Refund & Return Process
We only refund for defective or damaged products. If there are any issues with the product, customer must inform us via email,call or SMS and we will resolve the issue within 15 working days since complain was made.
Exchange Process
Exchange requests should me made via email,call or SMS and we will do the exchange within 15 working days. Shipping cost of the exchange will be beared by the customer.
Need help?
Contact us at info@eleganthomesbedding.com or 011 3429905 | 071 9422326 for queries related to refunds and returns.